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Saturday, June 02, 2007

New PIF4P Contest In June

Want to give your business the boost it needs? Friendly competition is always helpful. There's a PIF4P contest in June. Winning the prizes will be related to recruiting members in PIF4P - things like most number of rank advancements, largest % growth, and top recruiters. Don't worry - you won't be competing with top recruiters like Janet Legere and Karl Airey. You will be competing with members close to you in terms of the number of people you have sponsored in PIF4P.

More details about the contest will be posted on the fast track page, which will be updated later. The entry fee is $25 (this gets serious people into the contest and helps pay for prizes). You'll get leads, great training, exclusive audios, and special things to move your business forward. If you're brand new to PIF4P, you need to get into fast track. If you've been in PIF4P in a long time, this can re-energize your business.

System Updates

PIF4P has almost 180,000 members worldwide! This is nowhere near saturation as millions of people are looking for a system like PayItForward4Profits.

PIF4P continues to expand and get better. Recorded training (available from Training -> Recorded Training) has been updated. Recorded calls have been broken down into recent calls, specific topics, guest speaker calls, and past Saturday Morning Breakfast Calls.

The PIF4P video training has been updated (available from Training -> Internet Tools). There are new videos designed to help you succeed with the tools used in the success guide. Instead of reading the success guide, you can actually see how these different Internet tools are used to promote PIF4P and 3StepSecret.

After video training is completed, the Success Guide will be updated with more day.

Competition and Failing

Your competition isn't as fierce in the summer time because other network marketers tend to slow down, do less advertising, take vacations, etc. This means we can get a bigger percentage of the business. We can capitalize even more if we show our business to more and more people.

Do 98% of people who join network marketing fail? No, they don't fail. They quit. It's not that network marketing or the products don't work. It's all about you. You cannot fail. You can only quit. Decide to be in that top 2%. It's your decision and you can make it today.

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