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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Excerpts From Gary Eby On The Breakfast Call

The Feb 24 training call featured speaker, trainer, sales strategist, and distributor Gary Eby. Paul Birdsall and Joel Broughton heard him at the Success University convention and invited him to speak to PayItForward4Profits members.

Gary Eby says that there are three things you should look for in a successful company: the right people, the right product, the right plan. There are three things you should look for in a successful individual: product skills, people skills, and mindset skills. People and product skills are 25% of the equation. The other 75% is mindset skills. Mindset skills turns an average person into a superstar.

Gary Eby says that responsibility is the ability to respond to a situation. Responsibility determines whether you will win or lose. When challenges come, the loser quits. The winner develops the ability to respond.

Gary Eby's
system acronym is Save YourSelf Time Energy Money. PIF4P is built upon a system that has already proven to be effective (over 130000 members!).

How-to's (like how to make a million dollars, how to lose weight in 30 days) are important but not enough. If how-to's were enough, we'd all be skinny and rich. You must have a why that makes you cry. Why did you come into the industry?

Change is a door that can only be opened from the inside. If you want to grow, you've got to
be open and willing to change, but nobody can force you to change.

If your vocation is not a vacation, then you are destined to meander in mediocrity.

One of the most important challenges you will have is dealing with adversity. As a leader, a great thing you can do is teach people to overcome adversity. When adversity comes, don't give in, climb higher. Persevere through.

Never let anyone pre-judge you, pre-qualify, and tell you what you can and cannot do.

When you get knocked down, finish the race. Don't let anyone tell you can't finish what you started.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Ways To Improve Your Inbound Links

1. Post on forums with a signature that contains your link
2. Write and submit articles with a resource area at the end that contains your link
3. Write entries in your blog and ping
4. Place links on sites you already own
5. Submit your link to link directories, advertising forums, advertising blogs, etc.
6. Participate in link exchanges and advertising co-ops
7. Place your link on any free and paid programs that you are part of (and allow it)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Be Realistic: There is no Limit to What You Can Do

Here's an article by Jim Cathcart that discusses what the possibilities really are. If you've seen The Secret, you'll notice a similar universal concept that is mentioned in the article.


Monday, February 19, 2007

More From The Matt Morris Feb 16 Training Call Part 2

Some people will spend several hundred per month on fuel for their car, but how much will they spend on fuel for their mind?

If you empty your wallet into your mind, your mind will fill your wallet.

If you empty your purse into your mind, no one can take it away from you.

Pay the price now for success, or pay the price later for failure.

Top leaders in Success University work hard but also play hard. They spend a lot on education. You may not have the money to spend on a $5000 course, but you can start with Success University for $1.67 a day.

Duplication is the name of the game in network marketing. Network marketing can be so difficult in the beginning. It seems like you work a lot but make so little. If you stick to it though, you'll work a little but make so much. Plug into the system and do more.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

More From The Matt Morris Feb 16 Training Call

"Amateurs sell and professionals sort." Network marketing is about sorting. You can't sort people unless you have a massive contact list. Contacts and leads are the lifeblood of this business. You need to continuously generate leads and contacts. Matt Morris used to generate leads all the time by placing signs on the road.

Having a continuous supply of leads meant that his success wasn't tied to a single person. Whether a person told him "yes" or "no" in response to his offer, he was OK with it. He wasn't overly excited or discouraged. In other words, he didn't carry too much emotional baggage.

"The squeaky wheel gets the grease." What's going to make you successful is when you have someone successful to work with. Find someone else who has done it, and do what they have done. Show them that your "wheel is squeaky".

You need a vision. Your vision is created through your past experiences, what other people say about you, and what you say and think about yourself. Matt Morris started training his vision. He stopped hanging around with negative people. Stop saying negative things about yourself like "Why am I broke?"