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Sunday, February 18, 2007

More From The Matt Morris Feb 16 Training Call

"Amateurs sell and professionals sort." Network marketing is about sorting. You can't sort people unless you have a massive contact list. Contacts and leads are the lifeblood of this business. You need to continuously generate leads and contacts. Matt Morris used to generate leads all the time by placing signs on the road.

Having a continuous supply of leads meant that his success wasn't tied to a single person. Whether a person told him "yes" or "no" in response to his offer, he was OK with it. He wasn't overly excited or discouraged. In other words, he didn't carry too much emotional baggage.

"The squeaky wheel gets the grease." What's going to make you successful is when you have someone successful to work with. Find someone else who has done it, and do what they have done. Show them that your "wheel is squeaky".

You need a vision. Your vision is created through your past experiences, what other people say about you, and what you say and think about yourself. Matt Morris started training his vision. He stopped hanging around with negative people. Stop saying negative things about yourself like "Why am I broke?"

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