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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sample Traffic Swarm Ads

Need some ideas for Traffic Swarm ads? I change up my Traffic Swarm ads regularly. Here are my current ones:

Stop Paying For Leads
Have leads pay you before they even see your
primary business and make money without risk.

Explode Your Primary Business
Want to grow your business faster than you ever
though possible? This funded sponsoring system is
complete and proven.

Give us just 23 minutes
And we guarantee you this funded sponsoring
franchise system will turn you into a traffic and
cash generating machine.

Give your business a boost
Join this free system and empower yourself and
everyone in your team to become a PROFITABLE
home business builder.

Get Paid Up To 10 Times A Month
Without even leaving your network marketing
company or affilite program. We guarantee to show
you how.

70,000+ Free Franchises Given Away
Get your very own funded sponsoring franchise
setup now. Find out what this system is really about.

You can copy the ads exactly but I feel it's better to take the
ideas and come up with your own Traffic Swarm ads.

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