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Monday, January 01, 2007

Google AdWords Post Review: 2006

Google AdWords Tip: Keywords From Traffic Swarm - Keyword and key phrase ideas can come from anywhere, including traffic exchanges like Traffic Swarm. Traffic Swarm can show you what's popular at the moment because it's so big.

Most of my PIF4P members come from... - Since this is a Google AdWords post review, I think you know what this post focuses on.

Split testing your Google AdWords ads - The classic and easy A/B split test method that can improve your click-thru rates.

Google Adwords KeyWord Idea - Network Marketing Companies - Out of all my advertising campaigns for PIF4P on Google AdWords, the one focused on network marketing companies has brought me the most members by far. This has been HUGE for me and can be HUGE for you. You could be getting members really quickly by using Google AdWords and targeting different network marketing companies.

Google AdWords Keyword Idea - Marketers - Ordinary people searching for top marketers may be looking for their own marketing system as well...

A Common Google AdWords Misconception - With classified advertising, if no one responds to your ad, you still have to pay for that ad. With Google AdWords, if no one clicks on your ad, you pay nothing - not a dime!

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